United Nations Major Group For Children And Youth

United Nations Major Group For Children And Youth

The screening rooms have around 50 seats, with heavily padded reclining chairs and valet food-and-drink service. EGV was the pioneer in this concept of luxury movie-going in Thailand and it remains popular. In addition to the governance requirements of mandated position that are clearly outlined in the UN MGCY Process and Procedures, the UN MGCY has obligations towards the UN system, some of which are enshrined in resolutions of international soft law. The UN MGCY is required to submit an annual Governance Reports to UN DESA-DSD, and as per paragraph 89 of the 2030 Agenda an annual report to the HLPF under the auspices of ECOSOC and General Assembly . Provide young people with a platform that encourages them to lead, join, showcase and share innovative and effective actions aimed at addressing the needs of all people and planet. Her knowledge of emerging health trends is an asset for clients anticipating a statutory change with market share implications.

Esplanade Cineplex

Our full suite of procurement consultancy services starts with our 'Supplier Intelligence Report'. Simply tell us what you need and we will find it for you for FREE. Don't know what you need, we can help you develop your requirements or tender. Promenade Cineplex - Located in The Promenade shopping mall. Hatyai Cineplex - Located in Central Hatyai shopping mall in Songkla.

Also, Major Groups enjoyed a heightened level of participation during the intergovernmental Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, which agreed on a proposal for 17 sustainable development goals to guide and inform the Post-2015 development agenda. The OWG experience served as an example of how Major Groups and other stakeholders can actively engage and contribute even in an informal deliberative process within the UN. Such examples will continue to be vitally important in the context of the new HLPF, and in the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda in the forthcoming years. Two decades after the Earth Summit, the importance of effectively engaging these nine sectors of society was reaffirmed by the Rio+20 Conference. Its outcome document "The Future We Want" highlights the role that Major Groups can play in pursuing sustainable societies for future generations. In addition, governments invited other stakeholders, including local communities, volunteer groups and foundations, migrants and families, as well as older persons and persons with disabilities, to also participate in UN processes related to sustainable development.


Advise entities in the UN system's engagement and thematic architecture across the scope of their activities on policy and substantive matters related to youth priorities and processes of meaningful engagement. In addition to topic and region we also convene our coordination structures bytypes of entities/organisations by scope of work, and by organisational standing in the UN. These include dedicated space for grassroots/local youth, national, regional and international youth entities. In addition we also seek to bring together youth organisations that have different types of standing in the UN system.

The Major Group

Facilitate active and direct participation of women and women’s organizations in the United Nations-level meetings, via travel support to global women experts in their fields and support to the strategic coordination by the WMG co-organizers. There are at least 19 Major Cineplex-branded theaters in Thailand, with the number expected mtfrench to grow in the coming years. The company aims to increase its total number of screens to 500 by 2012. Facilitate the participation of young people in existing stakeholder structures, partnerships, platforms and mechanisms in the UN system and build interlinkages among key stakeholders active in the work of relevant processes.


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